about me

Hey there, I’m Bridget (she/her)

I’m a brand + website designer.

My story

I specialize in working with coaches, consultants, therapists, organizers, and overall, people who help people. My superpower is giving you the permission you need to brand your BIZ the way YOU want to. I’ve been a minimalist since before it was trendy, and organized my friends’ closets for fun as a kid (true story!) Simplifying spaces and creating more room to play are my jam. That, coupled with a background in dance and choreography led me to want to find a way to use both my creative and organizational passions. Sprinkle in some writing and consulting, and over the past 15 years, I’ve built a business that has given me the flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere. Building brands and websites is the place where I could combine all those skills and help people let go of the cluttered ideas about their brand, and create the space for something they love.

I believe …

in a world where WIFI is free for everyone! I think it’s the gateway to connection, especially now more than ever and it should be accessible to everyone regardless of income. I believe in equity, diversity, and opportunity for all. I’m a bisexual, cisgender female, LGTBIA+ friendly, and support clients who work in those spaces, and believe their voices, as well as BIPOC voices need to be amplified.

What brings me joy

I’m a minimalist, yogi, nature-lover, and now backyard birdwatcher (I’m obsessed with feeding hummingbirds.) For me, fitness and meditation are the keys to my mental health, as is working with a therapist. I love to walk, and don’t drive, so meet me for a stroll sometime and chat over decaf coffee. I’m also an extroverted introvert, who loves connecting with other business owners.

I consider myself an amateur therapist (have read every self-help book written since the 90's), an amateur doctor (have been in the hospital for multiple surgeries and have watched all of Grays' Anatomy), and an amateur relationship expert (have been in many failed relationships, and now am married to my husband of 12 years). (And, I recommend you rely on professionals for advice in all of those areas because I don’t think amateurs should be giving out advice.)

I’m a new puppy Mom to Miss Roxie Hart (that’s her in the photo) and training almost full-time. I’m available for walks and playdates if you’re in my area.

Causes I support:

  • The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union). I think that social justice and civil rights are the most important place to donate my time, money, and energy. Donate here.

  • The Sacramento Food Bank. Homelessness is an increasing problem, especially in my town, and in California. I donate annually and walk in their annual Run to Feed the Hungry to support efforts to reduce food insecurity. Donate here.